Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bella's going to be ONE!!

WOW! My baby is turning one! I can not believe how quickly this year has gone by. I keep looking at pictures of her over the last year. How quickly they change. I cry at every month. I wish I could do it over! I just loved every stage. Don't get me wrong, I love every moment now's just, MY BABY is growning up!

We had her 1st Birthday pictures taken last Tues. Even though she was still battling with diarrhea from the week before, she was a trooper & they took alot of great pictures. She wore a party dress, pink & white with sparkley pink shoes & her outfit that she will be wearing her party (which is a surprise!) I will post pictures of those after her B-Day.

While we were viewing her pictures & her cousin Jenn was holding her, she managed to slobber all over my cell phone. We didn't realize it until later. Then when I went to use it, it would power off & not work. It didn't work for 2 days!!! Just as we were about to take it to AT & T, i guess it dryed up & started working again. Word to the wise, Don't let your baby eat your cell phone....NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHE

Well, since she was being such a trooper. I decided to also get her ears pierced in honor of her first Birthday. Never mind the fact that I've ben trying to get it done since she was born but was always to chicken. I'd walk in to the place talk to the girl & find out the prices and always leave. The girls was too young & inexpierenced, they were too expensive or some other excuse. Well, my very good friend Cynthia sent her money to get them done. So, I couldn't use that excuse anymore. Now, I have cousin Jenn with us for moral that was good. So off we headed to the mall. I had a grin & bear it attitude. We were doing this no matter how I felt. The girl was nice & not too young. The store was empty. That was all good. No excuses for sure. She had me hold her forehead & her arms down. It felt so cruel. After the first piercing, of course she cried. My heart ached. How could I do this to her? All in the name of beauty. There was no turning back now! The next one was over fairly quickly. She cried. I cried harder. Hers lasted about 2 minutes. I was still crying inside 20 minutes later. She is a true trooper. She looks gorgeous! Thank God, that's over!!! Thank God, Jenn was there. She was a wonderful help & support!
Thursday Bella received her first mail & wrapped gift! Aunt Jane from Colorado sent a beautiful outfit, sunglasses & hairbows...which everyone knows I am crazy about! I took the giftbox out of the shipping box & gave it to Bella & grabbed the camera. Pretty much before I turned the camera on, she was unwrapping the box! She has never has a gift before this & she started unwrapping it as if she's done this a dozen times before. I went crazy taking pictures, as usual. Thanks for the memories, Aunt Jane!
Now we are looking forward to her birthday party. Nothing fancy, just family & lots of celebration!!! We can't wait to see her dive into her 1st birthday cake!
We are soooooo blessed to have her in our lives. We Thank God every single day for choosing us to be her parents. I am loving every minute of it. Everyday is a new experience & a new adventure. I look forward to many many more. I love you, Bella.


Anonymous said...

Yea for updates!!!! I am so glad I got to be there for it. I am glad she enjoyed opening her girls love to open gifts...the first of many more to come!!!!! I miss you guys!!! O and I made the Honor roll at school this semester!!!!!! I'll see you guys soon and call on Tues for the big day!!!!


Wow! what a great post. I love it! It's going to be so much fun Saturday. Hard to believe Boogie is going to be 1 tomorrow. Her earings are the bomb! What a great blogger you are. I love me some MOmmy and Bella ;-)


Happppppppppppppy Birthdayyyyyyyyy!